The data used in this Monument is drawn from a database of attacks on the press compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). Due to the time needed to verify each new case, it is possible that recent events have not yet been added to the Monument.

Investigating the murder of Sokratis Giolias

Impunity in Europe: Uninvestigated Murder of Greek Journalist Sokratis Giolias

Our new report into the murder of Sokratis Giolias finds crucial omissions, delays and tunnel vision in the official investigation into the murder, resulting in a persistent climate of fear around the case.

English: Impunity in Europe: Uninvestigated Murder of Greek Journalist Sokratis Giolias

Ελληνικά: Η πλήρης έρευνα στα ελληνικά μπορείτε να την κατεβάσετε εδώ

Sokratis Giolias was a former radio journalist and TV editor who started his new blog Troktiko in 2007. It soon became one of the most popular news sources in Greece. On 19 July 2010, two assailants in police uniforms shot and killed Giolias in front of his house. After thirteen years, no one has been arrested for the murder.

Our investigation reveals how far-reaching the chilling effect of the murder was. Both witnesses and journalists approached for this investigation indicated that the murder not only altered their perception of what they could cover as journalists, they also stated that even talking about the case is dangerous. Second, there were crucial omissions and delays in the early stage of the official investigation which seriously diminished the chance of holding the perpetrators to account. Third, our analysis reveals that the investigation was impeded by tunnel vision and a lack of pursuit of (new) leads. Fourth, the entire investigation lacked transparency. Giolias’ family publicly lamented the lack of updates by authorities and failure on the part of the police to provide public investigation updates beyond the first days following the murder. Because of this, public scrutiny of the investigation was seriously hampered and the climate of fear around the case still prevails to date.

This report recommends to transfer and renew the investigation into the murder of Sokratis Giolias without delay, in order to pursue justice before the case expires in 2030. It further recommends to request investigative assistance from Europol to ensure an adequate, prompt and independent reinvestigation into the murder. On its part, the European Commission should monitor the implication of the recommendations in this report.

Sokratis Giolias was a journalist. He was killed because of it. We must prevent Impunity in Europe.


Free Press Unlimited's mission is to ensure that independent news and information remains available to everyone. This helps people control their living conditions, develop themselves and monitor their governments. To achieve this, Free Press Unlimited collaborates with local media organisations and journalists, particularly in countries with limited (press)freedom. These media and journalists are close to their audience and therefore the best guarantee for a sustainable, professional and diverse media landscape. Free Press Unlimited's vision is short and to the point: People deserve to know. All over the world.

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