The data used in this Monument is drawn from a database of attacks on the press compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). Due to the time needed to verify each new case, it is possible that recent events have not yet been added to the Monument.

A journalist was last murdered on 14th of June 2023.NL

Killing the truth is the world’s safest crime. 
In eight out of ten cases the killers of journalists go free. 
That is why we have launched our own investigations. To investigate, document and pursue justice.

In eight out of ten cases the murderers of journalists are not convicted for their crimes. Impunity sends the message that murdering journalists goes unpunished, further emboldening the killers and stimulating self-censorship among journalists.

Free Press Unlimited's mission is to ensure that independent news and information remains available to everyone. This helps people control their living conditions, develop themselves and monitor their governments. To achieve this, Free Press Unlimited collaborates with local media organisations and journalists, particularly in countries with limited (press)freedom. These media and journalists are close to their audience and therefore the best guarantee for a sustainable, professional and diverse media landscape. Free Press Unlimited's vision is short and to the point: People deserve to know. All over the world.

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